Tuesday, 20 December 2016

Silver Reflections

Vanessa leans forward towards the silver
reflection of curls
drifting in front of her left eye
to examine the individual strands
a distraction
from examining closer
closer examining her
of asking questions about what her hair portrays
its coffee cocoa colouration
of what it articulates to the world

Anna leans forward towards the silver
reflection of her eyelash
stroking her finger along its texture
its flaking specks of black which fall
a distraction
from examining closer
closer examining her
of asking questions about what her eyes portray
their coffee cocoa irises
of what it visualises to the world

Rebecca leans forward towards the silver
reflection of freckles
which lay over her nose
to examine the constellations they map
a distraction
from examining closer
closer examining her
of asking questions about what her skin portrays
its coffee cocoa complexion
of what it speaks to the world

You lean forward towards the silver
reflection of your mouth
running your hand among the line it forms
a distraction
from examining closer
closer examining you
of asking questions about what your mouth portrays
to the world, visually

of what it speaks to the world

Thursday, 1 September 2016

Holiday blue

Barked brown fingers skim tips

Across golden waves

Dripping buttery

Onto green

Blue floats fluffy

Lillo’s white soft


cigarette whips streak

free across the pitch

where criss-crossed

travellers escape gravity


before toes dotted violet drown themselves.

Tuesday, 9 August 2016


I lost my first language at three years old.

There’s a Technicolor video with me, gabbling in German. Bald head buzzing with cultures colliding into fireworks and ferocious first words.

I lost my own accent at nine.

I practised my vowels so that the Irish “ gypsy scum” didn’t float through the air. Till my constants became consistent with those around me, and teachers praised my elocution . Like a sponge I glugged it up, leaking the lilt out in drizzles.

The rest of my life, I will tread on words as they sink to my chest. My breath pushing words through. Broken and bruised. Till the words buzz on my tongue, like curry I can never learn to love despite my Indian name – chosen to be international.

And I will swallow them. Even if it burns.

It’s Monday the 1st of August 2016, at 10:22 am.

It feels like a Wednesday today.

Like the worst is over,

The blinding end is sighted. Telescoped.

It feels like March.

Like the snowdrops peer their heads,

Suck up the cold and exhale. Fragranced.

It feels like 4’oclock in the afternoon.

With the working day,

Shuddering to a stop.

Like a retro robot who’s cogs have stopped churning, and falls soft to sleep.

Like a car that struggles to take off in the wrong gear, but does it anyway.

Like the sugar dregs at the end of a cup of tea.

It feels like I’m on top of a hill, and I can run

All the way down. Coat flapping, boots slapping

Wind lifting me up.

Pray I don’t trip.

Sunday, 29 May 2016

The Calling

What is calling when my lids rest and the brain rambles down paths
it is not the birds twitter tweets
nor the dog's grumblings
or the owl's hoot hoot

it is Words.

Words sieve through my brain echoing my day
echoing the unfilled space of desire.

Calling me it sets the future in motion
as lines
             on a map are drawn
as letters
              on a page are written
as reactions grasp
                            within my brain

Call me.
Call me into dreams                         Call me into fantasy                   Call me to make reality
You ask me
what is calling?
it is Words
                 of all shapes                    and colours

of all la langue                                and fonts

They bubble and flick across my gaze of sleep
squeezing t h r o u g h the g  a  p  s in my brain
to produce more than Words

Words settle and d
                                   t                     away
re-group reunite fade drift
they rest dormant underneath the To-Do Lists:
1. Dinner
2. Books
3. Computer

but as my eyes fall and my body numb
the Words call me.

Demand attention as the bat demands the night
they take flight to feast on the unnoticed events of the day
Words fillup the space of        sleep
to cause tired eyes, scribbled pen undeciferable words
nonsense yet maybe no
forgotten           lost           faded

a seed to be cracked crushed made anew
in the rays of half light
in the wake of day

Sunday, 24 April 2016


The Sun Sun Sun Son Son
glitters around
in spaces of emptiness
Son leaving lines of new beginnings
through the tree tops
through this heart line
until the Son shines
shining down onto the Sun.

Tuesday, 29 March 2016


Cracked blue bowl leaking my salty saviour
Blushing hot in this blue light that plays along my wrist
Daisies dancing along the rim of the eyeless pit
Sand flavoured soup wafts flesh in coils
Hugging my brain. Smoothing the cold crinkled mass.
Although ad hockery poured in china crockery
I am comforted by my psychedelic sensations of
A cold cottage on a dead hill, alone.
To the nerve of Mother Nature who spouts consistent liquid sunshine
So I lift the chalice to my lips and gulp downcast eyes and creased foreheads
Drizzling it down my bare throat, tugging at the skin
Pulling it down easily, like the cracked walls of Rome.
Leaving me utterly

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

I Know

I know
Look me through the eye,
What can I see?
A rain drop scattering puddles
Boots smashing mud
Splattered faces crying,
With love.
Eyes look past you,
What do you know?
Tears taste like chips
On a wet windy beach.
Waves dancing onto rocks
Ignoring fog.
You look right through me,
Am I even real?
Red scuffed shoes,
Seared to my feet
Scolding I should have known
About the heat.

Monday, 21 March 2016


Hello everyone, in light of yesterday (International Happiness Day) here is a little poem that I wrote. Enjoy!

Sun glitters on my eyes
those blinding specks of white
that spin and block my sight
Are those those moments that people smile at?
Are those those moments where giggles surface?
Lids shut
I prefer the multicolour
of closed eyes
these are those moments of smiles warming my skin
bringing the heart out

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

The Momentary Snow

The momentary snow.
It clings to the naked trees
Turning, spinning, laughing,
He grows with the cold,
His body folds, frowning.
Under the weight of the sky sea,
I catch a star on the lash of my eye,
But when the sun breaks from a cloud,
The snow sinks into the ground.
The people continue on their way.

With nowhere, really, to go. 

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Forest Fires

Forest Fires
The sun bites,
Its juices screaming.
Brushing heights
The mountains teaming.
Painted trees,
Their leaves burning Red.
We can’t see
The souls of the dead.
Marching slow.
They’re filled with regret.
I will go.
You seem to forget.
All will die a sudden death.